Trey songz one love remix
Trey songz one love remix

trey songz one love remix

While his early albums cast the young artist as a kid brother to Usher and R. Born in Virginia in 1984, the future slow-jam master then known as Tremaine Neverson grew up on military bases before his talents landed him a record deal as he was finishing high school. That softer side is something he shares with Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, and other inspirations. Yet the biggest reason why Trey Songz has enjoyed a long reign as R&B’s preeminent seducer is that he always balances displays of brashness like that nickname-one of many memorable boasts in “Bottoms Up,” his steamy 2010 hit featuring Nicki Minaj-with more tender expressions of vulnerability. Steal Your Girl” must be confident about his charms.

Trey songz one love remix